

new entries in the lists, and some random information.


if we have luck, there will be a mac version of ••• one day.

adding nyquist eq by magnus (smex) to the OSX VST list.

adding wizooverb w-2 and wizooverb w-5 to the lists.

ah right, analog sequencer loops; we announced that at that NAMM already.


finalis is now known as finis.

adding betabugs mostachorus and tobybear bitviewer to both OS X lists.

NI/ zero-g analog sequencer loops could be another new entry, but i am not sure if we maybe had this already.

adding mdsp fre(a)scope to the OS X VST list. (smartelectronix)

adding scrambler by chris muir to the OS X pluggo list.


in case it has not already been mentioned, we must add the audiounit version of reflex.

adding the VST version of the filterscape plug-ins.

adding metronome, mouse music, mouse music 2, mungekin, reeverb, tap city, and volume mod by james howard young to the pluggo lists. (volume mod is OS X only.)

comment for 03-2005

you did not like the banners between the new:- they are removed.

you did not like me not to write anything for four weeks: i am back.

i hope you like my little piano samples collection.
make a bookmark for the forum entry and check for future updates.
